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30 years seems like a long time, but It sure went by quickly. I have been fortunate to oversee at the executive level a number of functional areas, projects and initiatives spanning all areas of a large corporation in the gaming, liquor and cannabis industries. These functional areas include; Corporate Governance, Risk Management, Strategy, Policies and Procedures, Business Development, Change Management and Analytics. Prior to that, I had worked for several years in the retail industry.
These opportunities have enabled me to work with numerous stakeholders in the public and private sector at the strategic and operational level and to advise on public policy matters, legislative and regulatory frameworks and proposed changes, as well as fostering mutually beneficial business relationships and business development activities. Leading the governance function has identified the importance and imbedded the values of trust and integrity in everything I undertake.
Working within a vast stakeholder universe has been enlightening and a tremendous learning experience. Understanding stakeholder needs and critical decision factors are the key to effectively identifying issues and opportunities and developing strategies and plans to achieve your stated business objectives.
My experience has led me to identify the key areas of Government/Stakeholder Relations, Corporate Governance, and Strategic Guidance services as areas where most organizations from start-ups to companies with hundred or thousands of employees will find value in a structured, coordinated approach. The reason I have started this business.
Our services start with a comprehensive consultation to determine your current situation and needs. The process proceeds with a formal audit or situation analysis to identify gaps and opportunities, and the formulation of a comprehensive report including recommended actions to move forward. We also provide implementation assistance and outsourcing of some functions. See services for more details.
It all starts with a call or email.